Site Map
- CMHC: Housing Design Catalogue (2025)
- Considérations réglementaires relatives à la densification douce (2025)
- Gentle Density Housing Bylaw Guide (2025)
- Enabling the Missing Middle (2024)
- Scaling Up Modular Construction (2024)
- Gentle Density Across Canada (2024)
- Making the Case for the Middle (2024)
- The California ADU Plans Gallery (2024)
- Build the Middle Playbook (2024)
- The Building Social Connections Toolkit (2024)
- B.C Standardized Designs (2024)
- Subsidizing the Middle: Policies, Tradeoffs, and Costs of Addressing Middle-Income Affordability (2024)
- "Homes for All" Toolkit (Vermont) (2024)
- Making Missing Middle Pencil: The Math Behind Small-Scale Housing Development (2024)
- Profile: Happy Cities
- ReHousing: Design Catalogue (2024)
- Missing Middle Housing - Fly Over (2023)
- Vancouver’s Missing Middle Explained (2023)
- City of Mississauga: Pre-approved garden suite plans (2024)
- Stories of Practice: Tl'etinqox Community Elder Cabins
- Profile: ReHousing
- The Gentle Density Network Webinar Library
- Teaser: Zoning comparisons across Canada (2024)
- Small-Scale, Multi-Unit Housing: Toolkit for Local Governments (2024)
- "Close" - Mapping Tool
- Small Housing Case Study: Abolition of Single-Family Detached Zoning
- Guidance Paper: Ownership & Operations of Gentle Density Housing
- Guidance Paper: Offsite Construction for Gentle Density Housing
- Guidance Paper: Gentle Density & Energy Efficiency
- Immigrants' Access to Homeownership in the United States: A Review of Barriers, Discrimination, & Opportunities - Joint Center for Housing Studies (2023)
- A Review of Barriers to Great Use of Manufactured Housing for Entry-Level Homeownership: Joint Center for Housing Studies (2024)
- Profile: Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies
- Profile: Canadian Urban Institute
- Profile: Casita Coalition
- Profile: Strong Towns
- Profile: Association of Bay Area Governments
- Profile: Terner Center
- Profile: Smallworks
- Finding the Missing Middle in the GTHA: An Intensification Case Study of Mississauga (2018)
- Infill Challenge 2.0 - Best Practice Guide: City of Kelowna
- Infill Housing - City of Kelowna
- Provincial regulations & policy manuals - BC Government
- Finding the "Missing Little" in Toronto
- Accessory Dwelling Units - City of San Jose, CA
- Challenges in Pre-Approved Building Plans - Congress for New Urbanism [Video]
- Housing Policy Initiatives - Pew Charitable Trusts
- Residential Infill Project - Portland, Oregon
- Talking Missing Middle Housing: Assoc. of Bay Area Governments
- Missing Middle Housing Informational Report - City of Sacramento (US)
- Future Homes: Pre-Approved Designs (Australia)
- Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide - New South Wales (Australia)
- Low-Rise Housing Diversity - New South Wales Government [Video]
- What Government's housing reforms mean for Auckland - Auckland Council [Video]
- The Auckland Unitary Plan Explained - Auckland City Council
- Small Housing Case Study: Single Egress Stairs
- Small Housing Case Study: Fire Flows & Infill Housing
- Small Housing Case Study: Infill Housing Program
- Small Housing Case Study: Sample Home Designs
- Small Housing Case Study: Garden Suites
- Small Housing Case Study: Pre-Approved Building Plans (United States)
- Small Housing Case Study: California's Legislation allowing separate sale of ADUs
- Small Housing Case Study: Pre-Approved Design Program for ADUs
- Small Housing Case Study: Livability Amendments to Zoning Bylaw
- Small Housing Case Study: Fee-Simple Rowhouses
- Small Housing Case Study: Pre-Approved Building Plans (Canada)
- Small Housing Case Study: Incremental Density
- Small Housing Case Study: Housing Choices Program
- Small Housing Case Study: Exemptions in Building Code on construction & conversion of buildings
- Five units, & above
- Two Units
- Three units
- Four Units
- Sample Homes Design: Tweedsmuir
- Sample Home Design: Comox
- Sample Home Design: Mount Pleasant
- Sample Home Design: Schoolhouse
- Sample Home Designs: Koo's
- Sample Home Design: Richmond
- Sample Home Design: Belton
- Sample Home Design: Mosaic
- Sample Home Design: SoMa
- Sample Home Design: Campbell
- Sample Home Design: Glynn
- Sample Home Design: Caledonia
- Sample Home Design: Carruthers
- Guidance Paper: Gentle Density & Land Economics
- City of New Westminster: Resources
- Town of Gibsons: Resources
- Village of Cumberland: Resources
- City of Victoria: Resources
- City of Terrace: Resources
- District of Saanich: Resources
- City of Nelson: Resources
- City of Nanaimo: Resources
- City of Quesnel: Resources
- City of Kelowna: Resources
- City of Kimberley: Resources
- City of Coquitlam: Resources
- City of Burnaby: Resources
- Comox Valley Regional District: Resources
- City of Rossland: Resources
- City of Richmond: Resources
- Salmon Arm: Resources
- Town of Sidney: Resources
- North Cowichan: Resources
- Resort Municipality of Whistler: Resources
- District of Squamish: Resources
- City of Prince George: Resources
- City of Vancouver: Resources
- City of North Vancouver: Resources
- City of Delta: Resources
- City of Port Coquitlam: Resources
- District of Oak Bay: Resources
- Guidance Paper: Gentle Density & Infrastructure
- Guidance Paper: Gentle Density & Affordability
- Stories of Practice: Anspayaxw (Kispiox) Band Sixplexes
- Stories of Practice: Xaxli'p First Nation Fiveplex
- Stories of Practice: Nuutsumuut Lelum - Island Urban Indigenous Wellness Society
- Stories of Practice: LíÌwat Nation Duplexes
- Build South Bend: Pre-Approved Building Plan Sets (2023)
- Costs of Providing Infrastructure and Services to Different Residential Densities (2023)
- Provincial Policy Manual & Site Standards: Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (2023)
- Profile: Incremental Development Alliance
- Detached Accessory Dwelling Units - Who benefits and who pays? (2020)
- Missing Middle Solutions Lab (2021)
- Residential Intensification Case Studies: Built Projects (2004)
- Opening Doors: Unlocking Housing Supply for Affordability (2021)
- Residential Infill - City of Edmonton(2022)
- Affordable Housing Task Force (2021)
- Regional Parking Study: Technical Report (2019)
- Unlocking the Potential of Missing Middle Housing (2022)
- Residential Intensification Case Studies: Municipal Initiatives (2003)
- Rethinking the Housing Affordability Crisis (2015)
- Missing Middle Housing: The Types (2023)
- Secondary Suites/Home Suite Home (2023)
- Guidelines and Policies for Social Connection in Multi-Unit Housing: A Co-Creative Workshops (2022)
- Housing Needs Assessment Tool (2022)
- Filling in the Spaces: Ten Essentials for Successful Urban Infill Housing (2003)
- New Pathways to Encourage Housing Production: A Review of California’s Recent Housing Legislation (2023)
- California ADU (2019 – 2023)
- An Exploration of Housing Types (2003)
- Tiny Homes: An Alternative to Conventional Housing (2021)
- ADUs: Case Studies and Best Practices from BC Communities (2021)
- Homes for Islanders: An Integrated Housing Solutions Framework for Salt Spring Island (2023)
- ADU Equity Strategies (2023)
- "This was meant to fix the housing crisis..." [Video]
- Measure Twice, Cut Once; Episode 39: A Podcast from HAVAN
- Measure Twice, Cut Once; Episode 46: A Podcast from HAVAN
- Ask the Experts: Gentle Density with Tamara White, Small Housing BC [Video]
- Opening the Playbook: ADU/Middle Housing Reform Strategies in the U.S. and Canada
- Infill Development in Edmonton: Strategies for Success [Video]
- Gentle Density Solutions for British Columbia's Housing Crisis [Video]
- Exploring Gentle Density Supply & Housing Affordability [Video]
- Exploring Public Perceptions of Infill Housing in British Columbia [Video]
- Pipes & Wires: Servicing and Infrastructure for Gentle Density Housing
- The Parking Break: Parking Reform and Gentle Density